Dr. Greta Gölz will visit UBC and will give a public talk entitled “Research of Campylobacter and Arcobacter in Germany“.
Time: Thursday, April 7 | 10:00 – 11:30 am
Location: Room 220, Food Nutrition and Health Building, 2205 East Mall
Dr. Greta Gölz is a senior scientist in the Institute of Food Hygeine at Freie Universität Berlin. She has been a research group leader since 2010, working on pathogen related food safety studies such as the detection and characterization of Campylobacter and Arcobacter in agricultural, food, environmental, and clinical samples; molecular epidemiology, stress response, quorum sensing in Campylobacter jejuni; reduction strategies (phages, probiotics) and pathogenic potential of Arcobacter, etc. Dr. Gölz obtained her PhD degree from Charité-University Medicine Berlin, Centre of Anatomy, in 2008.
For questions, please directly contact Dr. Xiaonan Lu (xiaonan.lu@ubc.ca).
This event is sponsored by University of British Columbia and Freie Universität Berlin.